Quality of Care
Ridgeview is committed to continuous quality improvement and relies on both internal and external resources to accomplish this goal.
Internal Monitoring
Internally, monitoring activities are performed and evaluated by the staff of the Quality Management Department and by each program and service director. These activities include treatment record audits, which focus on compliance with standards and best practices, high risk, high priority, high volume or problem-prone areas, utilization activity, clinical supervision, complaints and grievances, patient satisfaction surveys, MD quality assurance, pharmacy and therapeutics, infection control, and safety. All of this data is reported to the Ridgeview Board of Directors on a monthly basis. Quality teams are formed on an as-needed basis to address areas that are identified for improvement.
External Monitoring
Externally, Ridgeview is audited by the following organizations:
The Joint Commission on Accreditation
Ridgeview is a Joint Commission accredited organization. Joint Commission is the recognized global leader for health care accreditation and is an independent, not-for-profit organization, offering an unbiased assessment of quality achievement in patient care and safety. Accreditation is awarded upon successful completion of an on-site survey, which is conducted by a specially trained Joint Commission surveyor or team of surveyors who assess Ridgeview's compliance to standards. Ridgeview is proud to have earned The Gold Seal of Approval.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and health insurance portability standards.
The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS)
TDMHSAS audits on two levels: the first level addresses all state contracted grant-funded programs and these audits are scheduled in advance on an annual basis; the second level of oversight comes from the Department's Office of Licensure. These surveys are all unannounced, can occur at any time, and focus on all of Ridgeview’s licensed sites.
The Disability Law & Advocacy Center of Tennessee
All audits are unannounced.
United Healthcare Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, and Amerigroup of Tennessee
These Managed Care Organizations (MCO) audit all of Ridgeview’s contracted TennCare services provided for them, under their contract with TennCare. All audits are scheduled.
Our Perspective
Ridgeview staff respect and appreciate the role each of these outside entities and organizations plays in preserving and enhancing Ridgeview’s commitment to continuous quality improvement and as result, all audit results are shared with the Ridgeview Board of Directors and program staff.