Mental Health Disaster Response & Critical Incident Debriefing Services
In addition to the traditional array of Behavioral Health Services provided by Ridgeview, clinicians with specialized training, are available to respond to traumatic situations.
These crisis events can range from suicide to community tragedies, to mass disaster. Any event that is outside of the usual range of human experience can qualify as a traumatic incident. Because this can cause stress reactions which might impair usual functioning, it is important that qualified professionals be available to provide support and be available to help people process and cope with these situations.
Clinical staff is available to go on-site and meet with people individually or in a group setting. The response is not focused on the actions or events, but instead to confidentially assist those affected to better understand their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that result from the incident.
Research supports that an approach which utilizes these types of interventions are proven to reduce the feelings of isolation and inadequacy, and assist people in adapting to and coping with traumatic events.
For help, please contact Ridgeview's main number at (865) 481-6170 Monday-Friday from 8-5 and weekends & after hours call Ridgeview's Crisis Services number at (865) 481-6175.