Next Day Medication Management
Ridgeview understands the importance of timely access to care and that lengthy wait times to see a prescriber can be a significant barrier to their hope, healing, and recovery. As a result, we’ve integrated two prescriber scheduling practices to improve your overall care experience: Next Day Medication Management and Just-in-Time Medication Scheduling.
Next Day Medication Management is a psychiatric medication assessment scheduling practice that allows an individual to be seen by a psychiatric prescriber the Next Day following their initial intake appointment.
Just-in-Time is a scheduling methodology for providing medication management services at the right time for those we serve and in the prescribed dosage needed for those individuals who need to maintain their medication adherence.
Brief history of Ridgeview's scheduling adaptation: In an effort to increase access to services and client engagement. In 2014, Ridgeview implemented Same Day Access within their outpatient clinics, thereby creating more timely access to begin care and improve the overall care experience. Recognizing that high quality care does not stop at intake, during the summer of 2016, Ridgeview embarked on another transformative change project with Just-In-Time (JIT) medication scheduling to make psychiatric appointments more readily available. This change project ultimately allowed for us to introduce Next Day Medication Management for individuals who had begun their care through an intake. At that time, initial appointments for psychiatric evaluation were often more than three weeks out, the no-show rate was 38%, and doctors’ schedules were booked for three months, or longer. To better serve the customer’s needs, Ridgeview started communicating with clients about their plans to improve the scheduling process to one that is more open, flexible and client friendly. These practice improvements resulted in improved access to care and greater adherence to medication regimen for clients.
After my initial intake, is Next Day Medication Management available at all clinic locations?
Next Day Medication Management is available at Anderson, Campbell, and Roane county locations currently. Scott County clinic has restriction and you would have to wait no longer than 3 work days to see a psychiatric prescriber, while in Morgan County you would have to wait no longer that five work days to see a psychiatric prescriber.
How do I know whether I qualify for JIT?
Ridgeview has integrated this practice across all clinic locales, so all Ridgeview clients are currently subject to the JIT scheduling practice, unless other arrangements have been made between you, your prescriber, and our scheduling team.
How does Just-in-Time work?
JIT requires that clients schedule appointments with a prescriber up to seven (7) days before they run out of medication. This increases the likelihood the appointment will be kept. Since implementing JIT for Meds, Ridgeview outpatient clinics have experienced a drop in no-show rates from 38% to under 30% for psychiatric evaluation and medication follow-up appointments.
Is it possible to get medication management services on the same day as your initial intake?
Yes, it is possible in some clinics, but it would depend upon the availability of our psychiatric prescriber. We encouage you to inquire about the availability when you are being seen for your initial intake.
Is there an additional cost to JIT?
No, there is no additional cost to the consumer.
What are other benefits to this prescriber scheduling practice?
These two advances in our prescriber scheduling practice translate into a better overall customer experience, improved outcomes, and reduced emergency department visit/hospital admission that would otherwise require more extensive interventions and expensive utilization of services.